How It Started

I’ve been a Christian for most of my life having accepted the Lord as a 3rd-grader at Vacation Bible School. Just like physical maturity, spiritual maturity takes time, a lot of struggle and a lot of mistakes. Now that my spiritual journey is somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 years, God has figuratively “pulled me aside” to do some focused work on my faith and, foundational to that, my understanding and acceptance of His sovereignty, His love and His absolute provision for His children.

I’m for the most part the serious and responsible type – not someone who takes much lightly or for granted. And not someone who asks for help or shows weakness readily – all qualities that have significant pros and cons (likely to be discussed later!). This is both how God made me and who I have become through life experience so I won’t question that, at least not any more.

What I’m now being challenged with is understanding how that fits into God’s economy which involves a significant Kingdom (aka people) focus, submission, trust and rest … and a whole lot less self-focus, struggling, wrestling, trying and working than I believe most of us think. Where is the “line” between that which is my responsibility and that which is His? I still can’t tell you for sure and I think it varies by person and even by circumstance. I am convinced that I’ve taken on much more than I needed to for most of my life. I’m also convinced that I continue to get in my own way (or rather, God’s way) as I seek to find the right balance.

It is to that pursuit that this ministry is dedicated. As God gives me insights and as I continue to figure things out, my thoughts repeatedly turn toward how I can communicate what I’ve been given to my children and to anyone else who has an ear to hear. You probably will not agree with everything that is written – I may not even agree with certain things as my understanding increases! If that is the case, I would ask for grace and that instead of taking me to task that you prayerfully consider what God’s perspective and position on any particular issue is in your own life, as I am in mine.